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Reflections November 2013

Life Now

I Am Enjoying

By Dusty Reed

Joy can be found by living for others. We know the feeling we receive when we do a good deed and assist someone without being asked. Some people are so busy living for others that they don't know the joy of living for the spirit within themselves.

"I am enjoying my right now in its entirety."

This is a philosophy each of us can blend with our personalities. It allows us to live in top quality every moment. Anxieties for the future and regrets over the past disappear.

Right now is, with divine guidance, each person's responsibility. Our individual concern for this moment is all that is necessary or possible. We cannot do anything about the past and circumstances control the future.

Many hang hopes and dreams on the future, or memories and regrets in the past, without receiving the joy and fulfillment of the present moment. If there is a difficult situation happening, we either say it is going to get better or wonder why we keep getting into these predicaments.

Looking at today with full concentration allows us to see what we are receiving from our present situation. If we are discontent, we can find something to do that is pleasant. This can provide contentment. If we experience discouragement, we can turn to something that offers encouragement.

If hopes and dreams always remain just hopes and dreams, we seldom achieve what we deeply desire in life. By taking practical steps to make those dreams a reality, we can enjoy current activities. This offers confidence that we are doing something tangible toward our lifetime desires.

We can have happiness, financial independence, good health and other values. Achievement comes by looking at what stands behind these values and beginning new activities toward success.

Experiencing the moment takes away all selfish anxieties, depression or any feeling of defeat and gives instead, hope and joy. If we allow ourselves to experience only this moment, goodness is happening.

By finding contentment with living in the present and by finding gratitude for each situation as it rises, we can receive a joy deep within our spirits. This joy is often indefinable because it is not of the mind.

The joy we have in this moment is greater than we have ever experienced. Each moment of new joy is totally fulfilling within itself. We can experience a joy of the whole self that gives satisfaction, peace and assurance. We cannot describe a universal definition for joy. We receive, through emotions, mind and spirit, a unique capacity to experience joy.

Joy can be found by living for others. We know the feeling we receive when we do a good deed and assist someone without being asked. Some people are so busy living for others that they don't know the joy of living for the spirit within themselves. Both can be done with moderation, balancing each other.

If we find ourselves bored, feeling a little sorry for ourselves or too busy meeting obligations, we can take a break by doing a special kindness for someone. It has a way of lifting our spirits beyond our expectations and can provide the desire to take on the world.

The only time to receive a full benefit in experiencing joy is at this very moment. We can hardly say we will experience joy when such and such happens or experience the full effects of joy when speaking of the past. It is something spontaneous that only happens in the present.

There is a joy in knowing who we are and that we have a divine purpose, though it is beyond full comprehension. This is why it is important to live only for now, following the inner wisdom. Otherwise, satisfaction could pass us by.

This moment is a beautiful time for dreaming and thinking. There is no time like this moment. If we want every moment to hold joy, the time to begin is now and continue beginning with every moment as it comes into existence.

Thinking about what one desires and acting upon it is a beginning. It can be a small or predominant activity but a definite step is necessary. What can we do within the next hour, week and month to put us on our path toward this achievement? Let us enjoy right now in its entirety.

What does joy mean? It helps to hold that thought by bringing it into consciousness often, keeping it at the forefront until it becomes a natural part of our everyday existence.

Joy means different things to different people so each of us has to do our own homework to discover what it is for us.

By learning to enjoy every moment, we discover something new and wonderful taking place within and around us. Enjoy!


Meet Dusty