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Share your recipes January 2015

Food Ventures

Sailor’s Dilemma

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(Courtesy of "Whiskey Cocktails", Fair Winds Press)  Serves 2.

It’s widely held that a hot cup of strong, meaty broth mixed with a robust Scotch whisky is far greater than the sum of its parts. This is a simple combination of the two but the results, when you’re feeling under the weather, are pretty close to magical. The whisky will relax you a bit so that you can sleep, and hot liquids help ease chest and sinus congestion. Though it’s tempting to use a bouillon cube, try to avoid them. Homemade broth is a far better accompaniment:


8 ounces hot, strong beef, lamb, or chicken broth

3 ounces Scotch whisky


Pre-heat your mug by filling it with boiling water, and then pour the water out. Add the Scotch to the mug, and top with the strong broth. Sip slowly.


Ann's Article:

Warm the Heart, Body and Palate


Ann Hattes travels far and wide in search of interesting food adventures.

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