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Reflections September 2015

Life Now

Enjoy Every Moment to the Fullest

By Dusty Reed

Rather than complaining or feeling down because the weekend is over and a boring week lies ahead, we can anticipate the goodness available for that day. What is something we can do today that will bring a smile? Ask the same question again and again. Soon, the day will be filled with activities that offer joy every moment.

Enjoy every moment -- that means every breath you take! There is an underlying joy in being alive! Yes, there are both positives and negatives in life -- put together those create sparkling, stimulating happenings to keep life interesting and exciting!

I'm sure most do not care for a dull, monotonous life. Enjoying every moment, every breath, gives a desire to live life fully!

How can we accomplish enjoying every moment, even in times of frustration, sorrow, or anger? If joy is affirmed and practiced in the obvious good moments, it can become a natural part of life and carry anyone through the less favorable times. It will make the less favorables more bearable and they won't last as long. With practice, we hear the inner voice offering encouragement to experience joy in the moment – to refocus when a less favorable situation arises. With conscious awareness, thoughts can be drawn to any possible benefits that may be gained from the experience.

But how, when we experience a traumatic situation such as discovering there is more month than money or that a loved one has an incurable disease, do we experience joy?

Is it possible that these situations have a place where joy can be experienced? You bet! Imagine experiencing creativity each day by creating income stretchability. Cost-free activities are available that may have been put off because there seemed to never be enough time. There is always time to go with a friend on a hike through the woods or sit down to play the piano just for self-enjoyment.

We can experiment with new recipes that will stretch the food supply. A turkey carcass is cheap and makes a delicious soup stock.

Giving time, love and concern to someone who is ill offers the joy of giving, without expecting to receive. They appreciate all you have to offer, even though they may be unable to express this gratitude. The gesture offers an inner warmth to know you are offering unconditional love.

Can we enjoy the moment, even while sitting in the dentist chair? Thinking about doing something favorable after the dentist can allow joy in the moment. I remember getting to go to the soda shop right after dentist appointments when I was little. Some dentists provide earphones with pleasant music. The occasion can be used to relax; maybe even to take a nap.

When we experience waiting times such as in the dentist's chair or in a long line at the post office, we can erase anxiety by replacing it with thoughts about a special blessing. We can also take a “word vitamin”: think of a favorable trait you would like to experience by rolling thoughts through your brain about the trait applying to you and feeling the elation.

Is all of this considered daydreaming? Maybe so. However, it does allow us to recall fond memories of what could otherwise be less than comfortable experiences. It brings joy into the now. Focusing, or concentrating on the favorable outcome can bring the joy bubbling from deep within, where love abides. Every moment can be enjoyed to the fullest.

Choose to do something exciting. Take a walk, buy a new plant, bring a seedling indoors to nurture -- finding a root, a fruit seed, or even coaxing a raw sweet potato or avocado seed to grow are delightful projects. Working with living things offers a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Another way to feel the joy in each moment is through accomplishing something in your community. Can a person step out today and make a difference in society's attitudes? You bet! We don’t have to get on a soapbox but we can let favorable attitudes shine forth with everyone we meet. With an attitude of assurance, each individual penetrates his surrounding world. All who step into another's space are affected. With a prayerful approach, who knows how far that "space" extends? As a small pebble causes a ripple on the water, out it goes.

Enjoying every moment is a matter of attitude.

Begin by sharing attitudes at home. Family discussions can offer healthy communication. The important issue is to simply talk.

We can also share attitudes in the work place. Others have probably already stereotyped one another with a certain attitude. What would happen if one person walks into work with a more favorable attitude about the world? Would it be noticed? Yes, it would.

We can also share through writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper or to post on the Internet. Attitude preferences can be sent in letters to officials in government from school to city to state to federal. Show why you have this attitude and why you believe it would bring a higher benefit to all concerned. People learn by listening to others. Anyone can change personal attitudes simply by doing the "as if.” We can write, speak and act "as if" our attitudes are of highest quality with the assurance of goodness. They will soon become a natural part of our being.

Each day of the week has its merit, whether it is a Saturday, Thursday or a Monday. Rather than complaining or feeling down because the weekend is over and a boring week lies ahead, we can anticipate the goodness available for that day. What is something we can do today that will bring a smile? Ask the same question again and again. Soon, the day will be filled with activities that offer joy every moment.

Fun and exciting happenings will occur. Depending on attitudes, we can see and fully enjoy that goodness. The experience will not happen the same again, except in memory. But it can be savored and placed as a glistening gem on the beach of memories. Each moment is unique. Enjoy those moments!


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