Go60! is dedicated to improving the lives
of people 60 plus

If you are age 60 or older, you are eligible to receive the quarterly Go60 card pack containing offers from companies that provide products and services to people 60 plus. With your permission, we may mail or email special offers from Go60 sponsors. If you prefer not to receive the Go60 card pack or emails or mailings from Go60 sponsors, you may indicate your preferences on your “My Account” page (if you are registered) or whenever you enter the Go60 Contest.

After registering, your contest entry information will automatically appear every time you log in and enter the contest. Registered members may use the GO60 MEMBER button throughout the website to easily request information from a Go60 sponsor.

Sponsors are carefully evaluated prior to acceptance by Go60. Please contact us if you ever have a concern or a complaint about any offer that appears in a Go60 mailing or on the Go60.us website, or if you are unhappy with the quality of a product or service provided by a Go60 sponsor.

Is there is a product or service that you are looking for but cannot find on the Go60 website? Please contact us and we will make every effort to find a quality provider of the service you are seeking.

You may terminate your membership at any time. We will immediately remove your name and other personal information from our files upon termination.